Every six months, our staff sets aside a morning to wonder what needs in the community are not being met and to brainstorm some ideas for how to meet those needs. We learned a while back that most of us are excellent at planning events and following through with details, but we are not collectively gifted with the ability to identify areas of unmet potential and dream up new ways of exploring them. Actually, as you may have noticed, we do have some capacity for that, but we are so good at taking ideas and running with them that sometimes we forget to think outside our regularly scheduled programming. That is why we commit to spending a morning together twice a year just imagining what might be different.
Last week, we started with our own unmet needs as individuals and then expanded our wondering to needs of the congregation and wider community. After everyone had shared, we identified four broad categories that reflect most of the hungers we feel and sense around us: Connection and Relationship; Peace and Security; Action and Meaning; and Playfulness and Creativity. Six months ago, when we did the same process, our answers were a little different, and I am encouraged to know that the process reflects changes in the world around us.
I wonder whether you, if asked to identify the areas of your life and your relationship with St. Paul’s that you want to deepen over the coming months, would name hungers that fall into those categories. What areas of unmet potential might you explore with our church? Do you desire deeper relationships with other parishioners? Do you yearn for peace in your life? Do you feel a drive to put your faith into action? Are you hungry for opportunities to laugh and play? Or do you experience other areas of need that we might pursue together?
After naming areas of unmet need, we brainstormed a long list of possible ministries and programs that might respond to those needs. I include that list below, but, before you read through it, I want to caution you about two things. First, this list came out of a creative session when any idea was welcome. Some of them may miss the mark, and others may need refinement before we do anything with them. Second, and more importantly, if any of them are going to come to fruition, you will need to do something about it.
Original source can be found here.