
Fayetteville Standard

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Vacation Mariapolis ’23 Love Elevates


Vacation Mariapolis | St. Joseph Church - Fayetteville(Pexels)

Vacation Mariapolis | St. Joseph Church - Fayetteville(Pexels)

Reaching new heights in prayer and love of neighbor Start your summer by attending Vacation Mariapolis in Galveston, TX on May 27-29 (arrive 26th)! This familyfriendly gathering combines simultaneous programs for all ages (adults, teens, children) in the morning. During the afternoon, relax on the sunny beach or choose to visit any of Galveston's many attractions. We gather back in the evening for fellowship, games, and evening prayer. Return the next day for more! Plan now to attend! The event is open to all and is sponsored by the Focolare Movement (www.focolare.us) whose mission is to promote and live the Gospel message to “love one another”.For more information, email Tes Sales at marites.sales1@gmail.com. Or scan to register

Original source can be found here.